The Big Secret
Over the last several weeks, we have discussed sustained success fundamental principles. But this discussion cannot be continued until we explore the effect of Emotional Intelligence on Success.
This is a passion topic of mine, as it goes to my root-passion to empower others to eradicate exploitation.
My belief is that if everyone in this world is equipped with the strategies and tools to self-actualize “that within” then there would be no need for exploitation, because fulfillment of purpose for the good of all humanity would prevail.
So then what is emotional intelligence?
It is defined by psychologists as “The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to dis- criminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.”
To break this down. We all know that our thoughts lead to our actions/behavior, but what science has yet to agree upon is the role of emotion. Some postulate that it is the glue that imprints certain thoughts in our subconscious; whereas other simply postulate that emotions reinforce thought either in a positive or negative way.
I don’t know about you, but as a trauma-graduate Latin female, emotions can be a guiding force in my life, if I allow them to be. However through mastery of the skills to process emotion it has led to a substantial decrease in emotional reaction and the havoc they can create. I say it’s a skills because one has to be intentional and conscious about the business of moderating emotion.
The practice of mindfulness, which has gained empirical support in the last decade, offers strategies that can be used to accomplish reprogramming intention, attention and attitude. Dr. Shapiro coined this process in her work on mindfulness that has helped many overcome emotionally-charged faulty thinking and consequent behavior.
Through mindful meditation, which I have to admit is an art that requires practice daily, is highly effective. Did you know that adult sustained attention span today is on average eight seconds?
Microsoft published an empirical study in May of 2015 that examined 2000 subjects and over 100 EEG (brain activity monitors) to explore the impact that technology is having on attention span. The findings revealed human attention span has fallen from an average of 12 seconds in the year 2000 to just eight seconds today. Humans now have less of an attention span than a goldfish (nine seconds average). The decrease was seen across all age groups and genders in the study. Those in the age bracket of 18 to 34 had a 31 percent high sustained attention span compared to those age 55 and over at 35 percent. Meanwhile, males (33 percent) had a better attention span than females (31 percent). On a positive note, the researchers found the ability to multitask has significantly improved.
Studies have also shown an ability to re-focus attention is possible through intention attention practices. That is why doing at least 5-10 minutes of sustained mindful meditation work daily serves not only to increase attention span, but also awareness of emotion during the practice. What you practice strengthens.
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Use this gift to practice a positive release mindful meditation to enhance your emotional intelligence today.
To your continued blessed success.
In Love,
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