Collaborative Leadership
Today is Veteran’s Day and we honor those, who were brave beyond fear.
The women and men, who fought and continue to fight for the principle rights of each citizen in this country.
In January they, and we, will have a new Commander and Chief.
The President Elect has inherited a country that is in transition, at war, and currently challenged in many ways.
The U.S.A. is in need of a conscious intentional leader, who is a positive change agent to empower transformationfor the good of all.
This means actively listening to the voices of its countrymen and taking action in a way that exemplifies the foundational principles upon which this country’s democracy was established.
Our President Elect’s platform was one of, “Making America Great Again.”
The reality of this proposed goal will require building unity, to build upon synergistic flow across party lines. He will need to embrace collaborative leadership tenants, by the nature of the position that he is about to embark upon.
Ironically, at the same time the country elected its 45th President, my daughter and I were in Washington, D.C. at the Human Sex Trafficking Symposium. We presented our story of Hope, to empower front line workers, treating clinicians, and survivors.
Domestic Human Trafficking and its growing incidents and affects, as the second most lucrative criminal activity in our country, is amongst the many issues, our President Elect will need to become familiarized with and to address in the coming four years of his first term.
As with all complicated systemic issues a strategic plan of analysis and leveraging of resources, in order to identify viable national outcomes will be in part dependent upon discernment and diplomatic management of crucial relationships.
Our new President Elect now bares the leadership responsibility of all the men and women, who have fought for the privilege that has now be bestowed on him.
As we remember our fallen, may their sacrifice never be forgotten.
God bless our President Elect. And may God bless America.
To your continued success
In Love,
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