Our Vision
Leading in collaborative global initiatives to ERADICATE HUMAN EXPLOITATION one soul at a time. Human exploitation exists when there is a differential of power and it is used to take advantage of another human beings’ vulnerabilities.
Elite Foundation was established to eliminate the root-causes of hopelessness and a lack of self-worth that Dr. Jessica Vera (Dr. J.) has lived through and witnessed in the hundreds of thousands of lives that she had the privilege of influencing over the last three decades. Her vision to create a foundation that provides educational resources to stakeholders, frontline workers and victims; as well as to generate financial resources to fund grants for other non-for-profit organizations working directly with victims of exploitation globally. These grants will specifically fund program development and e-commerce initiatives throughout the world. Her dream became a reality in October of 2016.
Dr. J. believes that each soul on this planet has a unique Divine purpose for their good and the good of all humanity. She personally dedicates her life to helping others overcome adversity as Dr. J. knows that – Dr.J Change Your Mind. You Change Your Life™. However, Dr. J. has found that typically the precursors to exploitation; unawareness, illiteracy and inexperience become obstacles to human potential.
Elite Foundation provides individuals and organizations with access to exceptional strategic grassroots skills trainings, content education, and to vocational pathways to sustainability. Through collaborative leveraging of intellectual property with strategic partners, who share our commitment to proliferating the world with socially-responsible personal and business practices, we believe the principal root-causes of vulnerability to exploitation; poverty (lack of resources), ignorance, and poor self-love can be eliminated.

Our Mission
Elite Foundation will increase awareness of social injustice domestically and internationally through educational campaigns, as well as cross-cultural organizational collaborative initiatives, to prevent the conditions that foster exploitation. It is our belief that by equipping vulnerable individuals with knowledge and practical skills to become self-sustaining, a shift in mindset will emerge that positions each soul to become a contributing member of their community.
We envision a world passionately opposed to exploitation and committed to socially-responsible personal and business practices, because every soul desires to live a life of purpose, with value and choice. However, we are stronger together, than alone. Therefore a pinnacle tenet of our fundamental mission is to plant seeds that produce deep-roots that flourish in a world needing each and every one of us working together.

Our Core Values