DAY – 2
In today’s module I am going to teach you about REALIGN the 2nd R in the 3-R Process. I HOPE that you completed yesterday’s exercise, as it will be the building block needed for today’s activity.
There is substantive empirical information known about the role of emotion.
Early Thought Leaders agree that thought is powerful; but we now know it is, but only when associated with EMOTIONS that super charge BELIEFS and Lead to manifested associated BEHAVIOR.
Yesterday I shared the most highly charged negative emotion-FEAR. Here are a few examples of how different types of fear can manifest:
I am never going to make sufficient money to provide for my family (fear of poverty).
If I speak up and share my opinion people will laugh at me (fear of criticism).
He really does not love me, even though I have given him everything (fear of loss of love of someone)
When you have experienced trauma the likelihood that you developed faulty beliefs about yourself and the world is prevalent. According to scientific knowledge there are five common faulty belief constructs that affect behavior;
Beliefs about Safety
Beliefs about Trust
Beliefs about Esteem
Beliefs about Intimacy; and
Beliefs about Control
In today’s activity you are going to need yesterday’s ‘trigger mapping worksheet’ on which you wrote down the five situations that evoke significant emotional triggers for you.
Now I want you to download the “I won’t believe in these beliefs” worksheet. Follow the instructions given on the activity sheet and complete the assignment.
I can’t stress enough how important it will be for you to process how those five situations and their associated emotion-power (FEAR) effect your belief about Safety, Trust, Esteem, Intimacy and Control. By getting to know this about yourself, you will be empowered, to take action steps to affect real mindset transformation.
Remember when we Change Our Mind. We Change Our Life.
I know that you can do this!
When you finish Day 2’s activity please share one behavior that you have committed to change based upon your work thus far. When we share our intention with a caring community, then we are more likely to follow through. I look forward to hearing about your breakthrough in our Private Rise Up – Facebook Page.
By her mid-twenties, Dr. Jessica Vera had founded three multi-million dollar corporations, was named Latin Female Entrepreneur of the Year, had spoken on international platforms, and served on numerous prestigious boards.
But underlying that massive success was an equally massive battle from within, one deeply rooted in childhood trauma.
Her journey from trauma to outward success to inner healing to real, sustainable success serves as a real-life platform for the work she does today. A renowned forensic expert in human sciences “Dr. J” has invested the last three decades to positively influencing the lives of tens of thousands of individuals, families, prominent organizations, and communities.
From trauma to triumph, in Rise Up she not only tells her story of finding freedom from trauma, it outlines her “3R Freedom Process” to help others find freedom as well. It will guide the reader through their “inner mind field” to renewal and transformation.
In her most recent literary work, co-authored with Best Selling Author and Success Coach Jack Canfield, Dr. J. outlines how all the essential elements to success are found within oneself, when one learns to harness the internal core power house.
A Latin American-raised mother of two beautiful daughters, happily married for over 20 years, Jessica is a recognized international business entrepreneur. She earned her Doctoral Degree of Philosophy with a specialization in Psychology, Trauma Rehabilitation, Clinical Counseling, and Leadership in South Florida. She holds certifications and licensures in various areas of professional interest, and is the recipient of numerous awards of distinction. Dr. J has been a mentor, as an adjunct professor at her alma mater for over 20 years, is actively involved in her community, and serves on various advisory boards.