How we communicate with one another has the ability to influence. A person’s language can provide insight of how they interpret experience, and by knowing this, we can enhance the quality of our emotional intelligence to affect positive change.

Have you ever had the experience of being misunderstood. This is an example of two factors. One that the meaning of any communication is defined by the response it elicits. And, two that there are differences in preference of representational systems.

There are four main primary patterns of preference of communication that include descriptive visual, kinesthetic, auditory and digital (non-sensory) language use. Representational systems not only indicate the process by which individuals formally create their model of the world but also provide us with a format by which we can understand how and what they experience.

By being able to understand and speak to a person using their own “language,” you heighten the sense of rapport and pave the way for the trust that is important to all relationships.

Below you will be guided through 5 items that will ask you to evaluate your descriptive style. The results are not static, as we can and do adopt and intentionally change our representational system preference consciously.

Step 1 of 6

  • By completing this simple tool, that should take no more than a few minutes, you will learn of what representational system preference currently guides you. The results will also be sent to your email. Key takeaway each system has its own “language.” We all use all of the systems, but when in a stress situation, we tend to depend on our preferred system. To your continued growth and success!

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  • Your phone number is required to receive a gift for completing this tool and taking responsibility for your own happiness. -Dr. J.