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Transformational Practitioner



Visionary Entrepreneur

Your Transformation Practitioner
Through an innovative and multifaceted approach designed specifically for you; I counsel you on how to go from where you are to where you want to be. Facilitating transformation through change is my area of mastery.
As your catalyst, you will learn to release yourself from debilitating pain of the past by shifting and releasing old patterns, embracing new possibilities, and working to reprogram your unconscious mind.
The result, an expansion of your conscious awareness through enhanced emotional & perceptional intelligence, to awaken your success potential.

About Dr. Jessica Vera (Dr. J.)
Dr. J., is a writer, entrepreneur, passionate philanthropist and an unwavering visionary, who believes in YOU.
A lifelong learner, she is a Doctor of Philosophy, an internationally acclaimed licensed practitioner, who is certified in applied Life Planning, Mindfulness, Trauma-Informed Coaching®, Vocational Rehabilitation, Mediation and several other human science modalities and ancient practices that enhance her specialization in the eradication of the aftermath of trauma on the mind, body and soul to unleash full human potential.
Through a real-life platform from overcoming childhood sexual trauma to the international transformational expert and thought-leader she is today, Dr. J. has authored several bestselling books, published numerous authors, and is a sought-after speaker, who has shared stages with prominent scholars and innovators in her field and passion-work. A professor, educator, and creator Dr. J.’s trauma-informed, empirically sound integrative healing protocol, The Transformation Principle® is simple, but a highly effective, 3-step success process that is fundamental to master, to unleash your Warrior Within.
Founder of Elite Performance Academy Insighting Souls to Action, Elite Publisher and Elite Foundation, she takes seriously her social responsibility to act to eradicate human exploitation in her generation. #ItEndsWithUs.
Dr. J.’s personal vision is to equip 1,000,000 souls to live out their full potential in life and business, through socially-conscious practices is predicated upon her belief that the greatest gift of success is reciprocity. That is why when you invest in yourself through Dr. J’s work through her flagship 501(c)(3) nonprofit Elite Foundation you will unleash your brilliance and impact the world while concurrently funding freedom for survivors of human exploitation.
Happily married for 20 years+, with two beautiful daughters, Dr. J. strives to intentionally live out a balance of love, life & work.
To learn more about Dr. Jessica Vera please visit
To learn more about Elite Foundation please visit
Rise Up
Are you bound by the chains of your past? Are you lost, unable to see your unique significance? Do you feel that everything negative is a result of your own doing, perhaps even something you deserve?
The truth is you don’t need a Ph.D. or years of psychotherapy to experience a breakthrough. You just need courage to regain the right focus and the resolve to take effective action.
Author Jessica Vera shows you how to:
• Gain understanding that victims are made not born; even when choice was eliminated
• Overcome limiting beliefs, emotions, and behavior that self-sabotage growth
• Implement bold steps to transform your personal story
• Reclaim your power position in all areas of your life
• And much more

The Big Secret
Dr. J. shares the few questions of significance she is often asked by others and that require individualized answers, if life is to be lived in authenticity and fulfillment for self and others.
Did you know that you are uniquely made? There is no other on this earth the same as you are. Not even identical twins are genetically identical. Each of us has a divine unique calling. Do you know what yours is?
The answers are in your uniqueness. But, first it is imperative that you know Who You Are – or in other words what do you believe is your greatest asset?
Why Are You Here – What sets you apart from the other billion Souls on this planet?
In The Big Secret – That Within Dr. J. offers solutions to these quintessential questions through simplistic, but profound delineation of the seven (7) ESSENCE principles of success in life, love and finances.
Press Releases
What would you do if you were not fearful?
This book was written for women of today and tomorrow, as well as for exceptionally evolved men, who identify with their fear, but despite them have an adventurous and inquisitive mind. It is for all who are seeking to learn from their experience to release abundant potential inherently and uniquely theirs to heal and experience freedom to flourish.
The authors are members of a socially-responsible community that is made up of individuals, who are enmeshed by shared life experiences, commitment to life learning and to the reengineering of the socially constructed meaning of success, to change the world, one soul at a time, for the good of all humanity.
#1 Bestseller

Words are powerful.
They can be used to edify or teardown. Words imprint, leaving their remnants on the recipient. The power of a word depends upon who utters it and its social context.
Invincibility does not mean a lack of hardship. Rather it is a definitive descriptor of the essence of a soul, who has had hardship and yet, not despite it, but because of these hardships has been refined, renewed and restored to… embrace failure to achieve transformational success.
Invincibility demands action, as it posits that once the vessel has undergone this transformation then one becomes a new creation and is set on a course not necessarily of one’s own making, but absolute and of divine origin.
One of the greatest gifts of success is the ability of reciprocity. We were not created to live isolated, as one. We are all part of a collective humanity and as such, when one soul is stifled or lost, we as a human race lose out on all that individual was intended to share with the world.
Elite Foundation’s Scholars, the Elite Authors in this literary work share a vision to affect a better, more compassionate and empathetic tapestry of existence for the world and those that follow them.
#1 International Bestseller