Module Progress:

Module 1 – Welcome!

Module Overview

Awesome so now that you made one of the best decisions of your life, to take responsibility for the success of your future, by Making Peace With Your Past, I’d like you to know that you are going to embark on a transformative journey, like no other you might have taken before.

The work you are going to do, is going to take Guts, taking Risk, and Vulnerability at times, but the REWARDS will be life-lasting!

Here is what you need to do; FIRST

  1. Complete your Fit-life Assessment online;
  2. Print out a copy of your Fit-Life-Score Assessment Results (results were emailed to you directly);
  3. Book Your 1:1 Discovery Call now.

The 1:1 slots fill-up fast, and it is best to have this 1:1 laser-focused  future goal planning session prior to jumping into the work, so you can define what you want as Your Dream SMART goal for this journey.

Every journey needs a roadmap. Click on the PDF link below and download your Make Peace with Your Past Syllabi. Within it you’ll find all the objectives for each module, checklists, worksheets and collaterals that you’ll need to be success on this journey.
