Module 6 – Conscious Unconscious Integration
In this Class: Conscious Unconscious Integration
The integration of the unconscious conscious mind requires intentionality in awareness. In these learnings we will focus on equipping ourselves to facilitate identification of blocks that impede our clients from moving through to where they say they want to be. Typically mental blocks arise when there is incongruencies from decisions made in the past. Through strategic integration processes we can help our clients become aware of their “parts” and using induction and other technologies we can faciliate their integration in awareness and our client’s will experience breakthrough. Once the connection is tangibly experienced the client now seeing and feeling it can internalize and a new neurological pathways is created.
Our clients have all the resources within them to change. They typically just need an equipped coach to facilitate the process of tapping into these resources and integration with them. Remember positive emotions require repeat anchoring [reinforcement] at least 5X, whereas negative emotions only require 1X. Always keep this in the forefront of your mind.
- Parts Integration (Trance)
- Conflict Resolution
- Reframing
- Surrender